Fat storage on the female body can occur in a lot of different areas but is predominantly seen on the thighs and buttocks. Cellulite is also common in these?areas and can be localised to the lower hip, buttocks and especially the outer thighs. Now is the time to take a look in the mirror, observe your body?s fat storage and ask yourself, am I happy with my shape. If not, why not do something to fix the CAUSE of the problem.
For the last 15 years I have seen thousands of females suffer unnecessary health problems because their bodies have a tendency to store excessive fat rather than burn it. I have seen these women spend hundreds of dollars trying to lose weight when the solution is actually reprogramming the body?s hormones to BURN FAT, not store it in the body.
So just what are the causes of excessive fat storage on the female body. Clinically, I can tell you that 2 factors stand out. One, an intolerance to carbohydrate and the resulting sugar handling problems, and two, hormonal imbalance usually involving an oestrogen dominance. The excessive oestrogen turns down the thyroid gland making the body more sluggish ? and not only does the body stay fat, it stays tired. Low energy levels are a common indication of carbohydrate metabolism problems and hormonal imbalance.
So if you have too much body fat, you probably also may have the following symptoms ? sleepiness after meals, bloating after meals, cravings for sweets or caffeine, always hungry, depression, inability to handle stress very well. All these indicators (plus the excess fat) mean that your body is trying to tell you something ? it doesn?t want to progress from carbohydrate intolerance to full on insulin resistance characterised by high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart problems, and in females, breast cancer and polycystic ovaries.
So what do to? Well, once you find your level of tolerance you?ll start to burn fat and along with a holistic approach to hormone balance, thyroid activity, your liver and your hormones, you?ll get a change in your body ? a good change that will last a lifetime.?aware of the qualities of each, so that we can balance them in our relationships?.
Rudran Brannock, holder of the Masculine Energy for 2012 and founder of the Joining, says, ?This level of inner knowledge is essential if we are to grow into conscious empowered individuals. Without this knowledge there is no eldership or real relating, and no capacity to evolve our culture consciously?.
Whether people are in a relationship or are single, The Joining is an opportunity to explore the dance between the masculine and the feminine.
Workshops consist of inner work, focusing on aspects of the masculine (for men), the feminine (for women) and mixed workshops which include relationship dynamics, dance, drumming and meditation.
There is also the beautiful Ewen Maddock lake to swim in whenever people want time out from the workshop schedule.
The Joining runs from 21-24 September 2012 at Ewen Maddock Dam Reserve, near Landsborough. For more information, see www.thejoining.com.au
This year?s Joining committee ? from left to right Max Zoulek, Chirone Witsen, Carmen Wyld and Rudran Brannock.
Ayurvedic Health Advice to Suit You
Wendy Rosenfeldt
John Pirie
Dr John Pirie Chiropractor & Applied Kinesiologist 19 Coral Street, Maleny Phone: 5435 2155
Source: http://www.hinterlandtimes.com.au/2012/08/03/in-fitness-and-in-health-female-overweight-and-over-it/
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