Reporters of Galactic News were invited to the Sith Empire meeting in Byss.
The Imperial throne room of Byss was full of dignitaries and supporters of the Sith Empire to listen the Emperor Destius or address him their concern. He started the meeting by talking about the settlement of the Obsidian Dominion in the nearby planet of Kalist 6 and said he was looking forward ?a new era of alliance and solidarity?. Then he announced the successful negotiation with Lady Darr tha Sundew, leading to the joining of Lehon to the Sith Empire. He claimed more worlds shall rally their banners and the Sith Order shall to educate, empower and protect through the Galaxy.
Sith Empire Meeting
After this announcements, Darth Nessa had the floor and surrendered the Emperor her title of queen of Ziost. She felt the necessity to do so after recent events gave the impression she worshiped the Galactic Empire led by Kulith Laan, especially since she shared a connection with the Headmistress of the Trayus Academy, a key member of the Empire. In a dramatic gesture, she broke the sign of this academy and renounced to her title. Even if surprised, the Emperor understood her choice and congratulated her.
Asked on the relationship between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Empire led By Kulith Laan, Emperor Destius stated that his Empire had no dealings with the Galactic Imperials, though their actions have been watched as they made their own path. Furthermore, the Emperor commented on the faction as it was led by the Trayus which had once given support to the Sith Empire by saying first that their power base merely a trapping of power and that they will find it far harder to hold Coruscant over the long-term especially since they are already experiencing bombings and assassination attempts. He also reminded that the Galactic Empire wasn?t an empire of the Galaxy because it controlled very little territory and wasn?t a Sith Empire since it had little sway over the majority of Sith Orders.
Sith Empire Meeting
As for the Sith Empire it had proven itself over the longterm and shown that it could expand, sustain growth, and bring order as permanent solutions. He warned that if they continued on their path it would be a cataclysmic failure but had no intentions of interfering with their chosen way. As for the Sith Empire, its built a new capital, strengthened its worlds, and brought order and protection to its citizens without a marking of discontent. He further re-iterated that the Sith Empire was built on self-improvement, empowerment and strength.
For another announcements, Emperor Destius declared that the city on Byss would soon have its own name. The name of the capital city of the Sith Empire would be announced in the coming days.?In addition the Emperor has appointed Zander Varmann as the Information Minister who would make frequent scheduled announcements as to updates and responses concerning the Empire.
In a final surprising announcement, Emperor Destius stated that the former Emperor Novo was found alive and is recuperating nicely. The Sith Empire will now have two past Emperors and the present to work in harmony strengthening the regime.
? Rakiko Lowtide, Daana Kira
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