Wednesday, August 24, 2011

After Rick Perry's Stem Cell Treatment, Misplaced Enthusiasm?

Actually, I'm surprisingly close to your mind here I would however tweak things just a wee bit... try to follow:-)

Since 80% to 90% of the zygotes created for invitro fertilization are simply disposed of, there is a wonderful source for embryonic stem cells that will never, ever become a human being under any circumstance. No moral dilemma here. Moreover, if you want to take the fear of profit out of the equation, make it voluntary (like an organ donor card) for the parents of the zygote to donate the cells to help others in need (this is exactly like saying, yes my son/daughter is brain dead, you may save lives with his or her organs.) Again, no moral dilemma. With the ability to split the first few division up into individual seed cells, you now have the ability to serve hundreds or thousands of people from a single zygote. There will never be a shortage of stem cells. No need to touch abortions, ever, period... take it off the table.

Agreed, make a baby, support the critter, its not just a good idea, its the law... enforce the heck out of it. Moreover, make such a public stink about being a Dad who won't do his duty that the shear weight of being a pariah makes him do the right thing.

I agree, abortions are an abomination. An equally or even greater abomination, is bringing a crack addicted premature fetus (of non-white) parents into the world, who will never know love, never be adopted, at best get passed around in child welfare system that is woefully inadequate to the need, and ultimately grow up into a drug addicted, angry, violent sociopath who either ends up committing suicide by cop or spending the rest of a short and violent life in our prison system. For starter I would make dead certain every child in the public school system knew and could get contraceptives and basic health care. There are high schools out where 50% of the girls get pregnant before graduating. THAT IS GROTESQUE. Teach kids to abstain, they haven't the physical, mental or emotional maturity to deal with parenthood, but knowing that they're going to have sex anyway, teach them to avoid pregnancy and STD with proper contraception. Also provide counseling, if the child has a relationship with its parents that isn't adversarial or abusive, bring the parents into the conversation, and by all means take the stigma off this conversation. Sex is a fundamental human design, stop making it the focus of shame and embarrassment, and also using it sell products or titillate teenagers into buying banal crap.

We can now save babies under a pound. The technology has gotten pretty good. The energy would be better spent preventing the causes for preemies and sick mothers. Proper education, nutrition, drug rehabilitation, prenatal care and counseling to ensure young mothers to be are creating a great future for their children whether they keep them or not.

Rape is a violent crime. One in three girls in college gets date raped. Date rape drugging is out of control. Our entire economy is based on sexualizing everything and whipping young men into a semi-permanent sexual frenzy. Case in point a televised spring beak bash in Huntington Beach, CA broke into a sexual riot when girls dancing in tiny bathing suits were suddenly attacked by drunken frat boys, stripped naked, assaulted and in some cases raped. The ensuing riot caused millions in damages, and not only traumatized the girls, but ruined the lives of a number of young men who simply got sucked into the mob and were later identified as perpetrators. If you really mean to deal with rape to its logical extreme, you're going to need to define rape, and does that include bands of young men who engage in games where they get girls drunk, slip them ruffies, coerce, bully or bludgeon girls into having sex as some sick game, all the while their Father beaming that's my boy the stud. There are some pretty ugly social dynamics that should be getting addressed in our schools, and its high time parents became part of the solution and not part of the problem.



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