Saturday, December 3, 2011

Kourtney Kardashian is pregnant again

>>> hey, everybody, it's thirsty thursday october 6 , 2011 . we are keeping up with the kardashian. we have each member of the famous family on to fill in for kathie lee . today is kourtney 's turn.

>> this is fun.

>> what do you think so far? you're in the chair.

>> i've never been on this side of the studio. we've got mimosas and i love it.

>> i asked if you were still breast-feeding.

>> no. mason is 22 months. i think i stopped early because my sisters said it's time, it's time. i did 14 months, but i think next time i would do two years.

>> why?

>> i miss they think they know him.

>> there he is. he was here with your mother.

>> she jumped on his bed 6:30 a.m . and woke him up. then we had a late dinner. we went to "the lion king " last night.

>> did he love it?

>> loved it. he sat for an hour and a half mesmerized. didn't make a peep. unbelievable. he never sat that still ever. he's so active. we left at halftime because i was --

>> halftime.

>> whatever. intermission. i thought he probably wouldn't sit still.

>> why aren't you guys married because everyone asks you that all the time. he said ask you.

>> oh, come on. of course he said that.

>> he was going to and you didn't want to. who doesn't want to get married?

>> i don't. i think we both just feel like it's not the right time. i don't know when the right time is or what that means. i think just how our relationship has evolved and then i got pregnant. i didn't just want to go get married because i was like, if i wasn't pregnant i wouldn't go get married. i don't know.

>> so why do it now.

>> for us, and we are in a great place. we have such a happy family . i'm just like a piece of paper to me doesn't make our relationship any better or worse than anyone else 's.

>> your eyelashes are crazy. i'm listening to what you're saying. can you see? go sideways.

>> no zoom in.

>> no. just sideways. they're all there. they are insane.

>> thank you.

>> you guys get a lot of attention. you get spoofed a lot, you and your sisters.

>> yes.

>> let's watch one quick spoof on "snl."

>> hi.

>> all right, very good. let's introduce ourselves, girls.

>> i'm kim , the hot one.

>> i'm kourtney , the smart one.

>> i'm khloe , i'm third.

>> you certainly are delightful. let's take a seater and seat our bottoms.

>> i can't, my butt.

>> when you see that stuff do you laugh?

>> we definitely laugh. then i'm also like kourtney is the shortest one.

>> are you really the smarter one?

>> no. i went to college and graduated. my sisters didn't -- well, khloe didn't go. khloe did home school . i don't think that makes you smarter or not.

>> you do have that sort of, that is a tag you get of the group, i think.

>> i'll take it.

>> we are going to give you a little quiz about kris . the big wedding is coming up sunday, october 9th .

>> yes.

>> i hear from sources.

>> yes.

>> i'm going to give you a kris humphries quiz. your mom did the worse. she didn't get one question about kris right. khloe goes three and bruce got them all right. now it's up to you.

>> go, bruce . we always say bruce doesn't listen.

>> for the new jersey nets, kris humphries wears which number?

>> 43.

>> you're right.

>> oh, stop.

>> you'reness going to know this one. i don't think khloe knows it. what is kris humphries ' shoe size ?

>> 14.

>> not exactly. 12. kris turned down a scholarship offer from which university, duke, georgetown, indiana or kentucky?

>> kentucky.

>> duke.

>> oh, my goodness.

>> anyway, so there you have it.

>> i got one right.

>> you got one right. bruce knows the most. then we'll ask kim . she may not know some of these tomorrow.

>> that would be amazing if she didn't.

>> you guys are big tweeters. i noticed today you were tweeting about steve jobs and his passing. isn't it funny how many lives this one man affected? he's almost the thomas edison of our time.

>> he is.

>> it feels like that, doesn't it?

>> yeah. i was reading this morning a lot of his quotes. those are quotes that will live on forever. and, like, inspire people. just such an incredible man.

>> if you guys are at home and you want to be inspired, go to injure stamford university 2005 commencement speech. it is a home run . it will inspire you. think about him giving the best he's got. "you cannot connect the dots looking forward . you can only connect them looking backwards . so you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. you have to trust in something, your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. this approach has never let me down and has made all the difference in my life." that is such a great statement. sometimes when you're venturing off into a new business, you want to be sure it's going to work.

>> yeah. you have to trust it in. i was reading another one of his quotes this morning about work and how you have to love what you do. it's so true. he says, don't give up, don't settle. you want to love what you do.

>> find your passion.

>> because that takes up so much of your life.

>> i love that. we love a lot of things in our life and we love music on the show. it's that day where we get to pick our favorite songs. okay. i picked one and i know you picked one. because we're being kind of all techie today, we have these cute little speakers. mine is an old school song . i hope you know it. it may be too old. it's by a guy named montel and it's called "this is how we do it." go.

>> this is one of scott's favorite songs.

>> what?

>> yes. is it my turn?

>> not yet. this is how we do it it's friday night

>> this is what you put on when you're going out?

>> yes.

>> this is the getting ready song. i love it. and i feel all right the party is here on the west side

>> you dance. i dance, but he's outside having a cigar.

>> here's yours. this is you.

>> oh, yeah. kanye west and jaycee. this is a song you turn up in your car so loud.

>> there are lyrics we can't play.

>> this is the radio version . this is what we blast in the car, me and khloe , and we go crazy. i know when it says i love you so good i call paparazzi on myself

>> when we find it, we'll crank it up. here is "okay." we do "okay" magazine every week. the question today, is it okay to bribe your kids? kathie lee says bribing is a bad idea but encouraging to do the right thing is a necessity. i say, sure it's okay. parents have a lot on their plates. lighten the load if it takes a little incentive to have your kids eat their veggies off their plate. what do you think?

>> i think parents, too often, just say no without giving another option, which i'm not saying it always has to be like a bribe, but you need to show them something else. don't do this, but you should do this instead. or if you're maybe trying to get them to do something like eat your vegetables and maybe say, if you eat your vegetables, you can have a cookie after or something.

>> that's a bribe.

>> it is a bribe.

>> so it's okay sometimes.

>> i try to not do it as much as i can because i know i have grand parents and sisters and uncles, all these people that are going to be doing it.

>> we should point out "lucky" magazine. they might be confused because they have three versions out. they have the kim , the khloe and the kourtney . all three. are you guys competitive like who is on the most magazines?

>> yeah. there is a contest. whoever wins gets a new pair of shoes.


last minute halloween costumes rum diary klipsch image s4 chris bosh world series october 28 2011 october 28 2011

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