Thursday, July 28, 2011

Improve Vision Naturally With Eye Exercises | Explicit Articles

You might not be aware but there are actually eye exercises that when performed will cure your eyes. Studies prove that many common eye problems are cured by performing eye exercises on a frequent basis. Yes you read correctly, you don?t have to risk your eyes in a LASIK eye surgery or spend hundreds of glasses anymore, there is a natural cure for your eyes.

Click here to learn how to get your vision back naturally in a STEP by STEP guide

If you don?t believe the scientific proof presented by thousands of research teams across the world, you might want to believe the millions of people who have experienced the improvements personally. These eye exercises will help you see without your glasses, the millions of people who have tried eye exercises are now living their life happy as they made the best decision in their life which was to practice eye exercises every day.

Eyes Need Exercise Just Like Your Muscles

You must train the muscles in your eye if you ever want to see results. Your eyes are weak because they are not getting enough exercises due to the glasses you wear. Training your normal muscles with exercise is how our body keeps it active and healthy.

The eye muscles work in the same way. Eyes that aren?t getting enough exercises will soon die out. Without exercise and over straining them is also a problem. While technology has benefited mankind significantly, it has also made us more lazy and this has caused problems not only in our lifestyle but also in our eye muscles. The rise in social networking sites has also pushed millions of people to start spending more and more hours in front of a computer instead of meeting friends and family personally many prefer to chat online.

Follow This Simple Eye Exercise For Quick Results

To perform the following simple eye exercise called Palming all you have to do is place both your palms in front of your eyes in a connection so that they block out the light. Make sure that you are correctly blocking out all the light and that your eyes are covered properly.

The palm of your hands should be more than enough to cover your eyes. Try holding your hands for 2-3 minutes and it might be more comfortable to place your hands on a table. Continue doing the exercise every few hours so that your eyes are constantly getting rest.

The exercise that you?ve just learnt is a great start and you can use it to try for yourself but there are many more to perform daily to see the best results. This exercise was developed and taught to millions of people from 1880 till now. You should be thankful to Dr. William H. Bates who was the revolutionary doctor behind the research of eye exercises. Modern technology has allowed us to use Dr. Bates? eye exercises in more efficient ways than were possible before but the core fundamentals have not been modified.

Don?t risk with eye surgery when there is a cheaper and more natural solution to your eye problems, try eye exercises first and you won?t regret it.

Do you want a step by step guide to getting your 20-20 vision back naturally using Dr. Bates? research? Then make sure to read my Vision Without Glasses Review. Or you can learn more about the bates method eye exercises.


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