Monday, July 23, 2012

Final Thoughts about CEF Africa from our Communications Chair ...

by Doug Moore, CEF Communications Chair


?We are not Heroes or Brave?.? ?Sentiments echoed by all of our traveling colleagues. A trip that seemed courageous and adventuresome at home, proved to be a humbling and grounding experience that we are all just starting to understand. ?Born out of a desire to see first hand the results of our efforts, our travelers embarked at their own expense on a mission to attend the opening of a CEF supported school project in Zambia.

From the stories they relayed, it soon became obvious they were immersed in a world we really only know from what we read, hear or see in pictures and movies. ?It is an experience of realities that one can never be prepared for; realities of ?poverty, injustices, overwhelming need,?determination,?beauty, history,?and hope ? to name just a few. These are experiences that aren?t easily put into words, but our CEF board members did so beautifully. ?So heroes or not, their efforts to bring insight into our mission is a heartfelt testament to the integrity of our community and the importance of our cause.

On behalf of the CEF community, we would like to thank our traveling colleagues for being our eyes and ears. ?Bravo.


Doug Moore
Communications Chair
Compassionate Eye Foundation

Tags: CEF Africa, Doug Moore


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