Sunday, March 17, 2013

Big Brother Canada Spoilers Alec renames the ?fourgy? to the ?S$xual Hurricane?

POV Holder: Alec Next POV March 16th
POV Used POV Ceremony March 18th
HOH Winner: Gary Next HOH: March 21th
Original Nominations: Tom and Liza
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest Aneal
Have Nots Jillian, Emmett, Talla and Alec


12:05AM Tom and Liza Bedroom

Chatting about hooking up after the show, pretending that they will have kids, make money etc etc.. Liza says he should move to Toronto. Tom says no way it?s too far from my Family.

He asks her what kind of girl she was when she was 21, He jokes imitating what a party girl. She pulls him under the covers she wants to show him something..

Tom: ?I just got over an issue with that shit.. Is that why you had nasal _____ problems .. is that why your nose cracks..? (didn?t catch that one word)
Liza: ?No No .. Not a problem (Says this in quotes) .. It was really fun at 21?
(Liza was a party girl.. LIza is a lot less annoying on the feeds when she?s not over-playing the game. )


12:21AM Alec and Topaz Hammock
Alec tells her about the Peter, Alec, Topaz and Gary alliance and how Gary wants to call it a ?Fourgy? Topaz thinks it sounds like orgy and doubts they?ll say it on the show. Alec jokes wants their alliance to be called the ?Sexual Hurricane? ..

Alec says he did the right thing walking around telling everyone that he wasn?t planning on using the Power of Veto. It?ll make the time before the Ceremony more bearable. Topaz mentions how Gary was pissed at first because he thought Jillian had thrown the POV Competition. Topaz: ?She totally didn?t.. I?m just so glad you won it?

Topaz: ?Peter had a secret alliance with Liza and they were talking game.. Peter was saying that Liza?s relationship was emotional?

Alec: ?Thats Scary?
Topaz: ?I know we have Peter but it makes me a little concerned?
Alec: ?Do you trust Gary?
Topaz: ?Yes 120%?
Alec: ?We?ll that is how I feel about Peter?
Topaz: ?Even though he had a secret alliance with Liza?


12:37AM HOH Suzette and Gary
Gary asks her if she?s 100% voting out Tom. Suzette confirms she?ll vote him out. Gary says he?s starting to be able to trust Peter but isn?t sure about Alec yet. Suzette thinks they can trust Peter.

Suzette says that when she was on the block she had it harder than Tom and Liza because she was dealing with personal problems.

Suzette is all about Respect and playing the game.. She tells Gary that the house is now respecting them because they saw how they were acting when they were on the block. (LOL too rich) Suzette: ?We?re now in the Game? both Gary and Suzette cheer. Gary says he really wants Tom gone and think that a lot of the tension in the house will release.

Suzette mentions that Tom has started throwing Emmett under the bus. Tom?s big thing is that Emmett knew he was going on the block and didn?t say anything, ?I didn?t even know Tom was going up how was Emmett suppose to know?

Gary: ?What is Liza saying?
Suzette: ?Nothing.. she feels guilty because everyone knows she?s been talking.. she knows she?s going home?
Suzette wonders if Peter and Liza will still be close.
Gary: ?She might get the Diamond Power of Veto?
Suzette: ?Don?t say that OH MY GOD?
Suzette kinda feels sorry for Liza because the entire house is cold to her now. Gary: ?I don?t feel sorry she did it to herself..?

Suzette thinks Tom is going to throw everyone under the bus this week. She mentions that Alec isn?t using the POV he was downstairs earlier today telling people.

Gary: ?If he uses the POV i?ll hit him where it hurts (Topaz)?
Suzete: ?No? you wouldn?t do that?
Gary: ? you disrespect me.. ?
Gary: ?All i care is you and me making it to final 2?

(Gary is doing a great job during his HOH however he?s made a lot of final 2 final 4 alliances)

1:05AM Gary, Suzette and Topaz Messing around with the Head of Household TV


1:08AM Kisses goodnight


1:16AM HOH Gary having a party? (Video is uploading.. it?s hilarious)



1:30AM Washing Machines Aj and Suzette Aj is wanting Tom left in the game. Suzette mentions ?Respect? a couple times.

Suzette: ?I feel like making a Mini pizza with Crumpets.. just a little snacky?
Suzette: ?I want to work out with Jillian.. she?s low impact?

Suzette says her radio show is only once a week for a hour.. is volunteer work. She?s been doing the radio show for 13 years. Tom asks what does she do. Suzette: ?I just play music.. I play aboriginal music.. I try to discover new artists.. new talents?

Suzette and Aj both comment that Peter is a very smart person. Suzette says Peter is just like her son.

Sounds like her son has a disorder that he doesn?t like to eat food, sounds like Peter suffers from the same thing. Suzette thinks the disorder came from vaccinations.


2:35AM HOh Gary and Topaz
Gary: ?Alec want Emmett and Jillian gone.. thats a problem for me.. if he wins HOH?
Topaz: ?No now that Tom is gone Alec wants Tom and Jillian in the house because they are the bigger target?
They both agree that Emmett?s social game is really lacking all he?s been doing is hanging out in the room with Jillian. Gary says Topaz is a strong social player but asks her where does she think she is physically. Topaz thinks she can bring it, Gary: ?Save it Topaz.. it?s good that people don?t think you are a threat? Gary remembers that Emmett had told him if Gary puts up Tom than Emmett will ?Take the Heat? Gary: ?Oh my God he didn?t take the heat.. I gotta tell him tomorrow that mo*** f**** is going to take the heat.. putting Tom up was his idea?

Topaz: ?we don;t want to get into Emmett?s bad books?
Gary: ?But that?s not fair he didn?t stick to his word?
Topax: ?I don;t like Liza man.. I do want to cuss her out.. ?
Gary: ?It?ll come out and it?ll be great?
Gary is worried that Liza will be trouble next week, If she could get Andrew on her side and they could go after Emmett. Gary: ?All Andrew cares about is getting out the muscle?

Topaz says that when talking to Talla they have to make things Dead simple otherwise she won?t know what is going on. She mentions how liza had Talla under her control. Gary is a bit worried that Talla will go back to Liza. Topaz doesn?t think so Topaz believes she?s got Talla now.

Topaz is a bit worried about Liza and Andrew winnign HOH. Gary doesn?t think Alec has anything to worry about when it comes to Andrew, he believes Andrew will put up Jillian and Emmett. It?s Liza they have to worry about she might put up Alec and topaz.

Topaz and Gary head downstairs to eat.. Topaz jokes that Alec is playing them both. Gary: ?Oh well we?re going to final 4? Topaz laughs says she?s enjoying getting close to ?That body? (alec?s body) they both chuckle.



3:13AM Kitchen Topaz and Gary Cooking (WTF) Topaz says that ever since the house got turned upside down her and Alec haven?t had very much time to talk/showmance. Topaz warns Topaz about telling people to joined alliances. She brings up a time she heard him call Suzette, Topaz and Gary an Alliance. Gary says no he said ?I like this? it?s Suzette that said it was an alliance. Gary adds that Suzette is so desperate for an alliance. Topaz: ?remember don?t get too information excited about Talla and Suzette?

Gary likes Suzette he doesn?t mind seeing her make it to final 6. Topaz is worried about suzette she wants to make big moves ?She?s a wild card?, Gary says Suzette is blessed to be in the house and she?s happy to just take a back seat and watch the game from the sidelines. Gary ?She?s hoping to slide to the top.. she wants to Lay low low low? Gary doesn?t think Suzette will make a big move at all. Topaz: ?Yes she does she has something to prove?

3:38AM Gary mentions that Emmett losing his HOH was a big blow to his ego.
3:44m Gary trusts Emmett very much. Topaz tells him that she was in the room with

Gary: ?Peter lied to my face.. looked into my eye and lied?
Topaz: ?He lied right to Alec?s Face ? This is why I don?t 100% trust Alec because he always is talking about how much he trusts Peter? Both Gary and Topaz think Peter is dangerous. Gary mentions how Peter is friends with everyone.
GAry thinks Peter, Alec and Emmett are in an alliance and they want to keep Tom around as a target. Gary: ?If Alec is f**king with us.. I?ll f**** him up i don?t care if i leave the next week?

Topaz is getting a little freaked out about Alec saying he trusts Peter 100% she trusts Alec but sometimes she?s not sure. Topaz is starting to have second thoughts about Alec because they never really talk with each other. Once and awhile alec will hunt her down and kiss her on the cheek but she never has a long talk with him like Jillian and Emmett do.

Both Emmett and Gary are worried about Alec.. They know he?s smart and is playing the game. Topaz: ?I?m going to play Liza?s game.. and dig deep emotionally?

Gary about Alec: ?I bet the guy he is outside of here is nothing liek who he is inside the house.. He?s not goofy.. I swear he?s not goofy? Gary about Alec: ?he?s not a Phd.. he?s a bro at university that likes Big Brother? Topaz: ?I think it?s all a act?

(Looks like topaz and gary are having second thoughts about alec.. the videos are uploading)

Gary thinks that clothing is the second most important thing in the game. Alec: ?All I see from Alec is walking around with his abs and his D1ck swinging around?
Gary: ?he said his mom dated wierd al.. no she didn?t?

(LOL.. Gary and Topaz are getting very creative making up theories about Alec not being who they thought. one second they think he?s a phd student another second they think he?s just a bro hanging our ?Slinging D!ck?. Sometimes they think he?s a mastermind a minutes later he?s a journalism student at UBC.. )

Tags:Alec Beall, Andrew Monaghan, Anuj ?AJ? Burman, Big Brother Canada, big brother canada season 1, Emerald ?Topaz? Brady, Emmett Blois, Gary Levy, Jillian MacLaughlin, Live Feed Updates, Liza Skinner, peter brown, Suzette Amaya, Talla Rejaei, Thomas Plant, Updated


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