Friday, September 28, 2012

Breakfast, lunch and dinner | In my tummy

I?ve been seeing this little survey around and it?s perfect for tonight when I don?t have much else to say. ?You might not even see this post because my blog keeps getting suspended for high CPU usage. ?Does anyone else ever have this problem? ?I think that a spider is crawling the site and causing the problem. ?I?m not even sure what that means.

Anyway. ?Food.


1. ?What was your favorite cereal as a child?

I honestly don?t know the answer to this. ?I wasn?t allowed to have all the sugary cereals so of course, that?s what I wanted. ?I think, however, I was allowed to have Frosted Mini-Wheats, so we?ll go with those.

2. ?Coffee or Tea? ?With milk or without?

Coffee with soy creamer, please.


I do drink tea at work though, usually without milk.

3. ?What?s the one food you eat most at breakfast?

Well, it used to be eggs but recently I found out that my cholesterol is 207, which is in the borderline high category. I?m not sure if eggs are contributing to that or not, but I figured it wouldn?t hurt to be a little less egg-happy.

Egg sandwich


1. ?If you had to choose between and peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a grilled cheese sandwich, which would you choose?

They are both really good and it?s a hard decision. ?Ultimately, I think I?d go with PB&J. ?Honestly though, I rarely eat sandwiches for lunch. ?I usually eat leftovers or an Amy?s Tofu Scramble which my boss got me hooked on and is very delicious.

2. You can only put 4 ingredients in your salad (besides the greens), which do you choose? ?Additionally, which greens and which dressing.


Yesterday?s lunch was spinach with salmon, dried cherries and walnuts dressed with lite balsamic. ?Since I get one more topping, I?d probably go with avocado. ?I also really like ranch dressing, unless it tastes too much like mayo and then I hate it.

3. ?One food you can?t live without at lunch?

I don?t tend to eat the same things day after day, so I can?t really think of anything. ?Water to wash it down?


1. It?s the end of the day and you?re tired, hungry and your fridge is empty. ?If fast food (from a chain) is your only option, where do you go and what do you order?

Really, I never eat fast food for dinner. ?Never. ?That?s not to say that all my meals are healthy. ?My version of fast food is usually going to Kroger and picking up a frozen pizza.

Pizza salad

2. ?TV/Computer on our off while you are eating.

I am awful about this, but I am almost ALWAYS at my computer while I eat. ?The TV is usually off though.

3. ?The one food you eat most often at dinner?

Refried beans, I just can?t quit you.

Refried beans


1. ?Cheesecake or apple pie.

Umm, neither? ?Ice cream.

2. ?Flan or tiramisu?

See answer above.

3. ?Ice cream in a cup or cone?

There we go! ?Cup please.

And I?m sure my blog is about to get suspended again before you even read this. ?Don?t worry, Ill get it back.

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